Does it cost money to participate? A: Nope.
Q: How much time will it take? A:
There is no commitment - you can do as much or as little as
you like but on average probably just 10 mins a week
participating in surveys
No - I was asking how long before the kits are done?
A: Oh - honestly we don't know but we don't want to
rush it. We will take as long as we need to do it
Q: Will you cut it off at 1000
magicians? A: No. 1000 is our goal but if
we get 2000 all the better.
Q: Can I leave
the team if I want to? A: You can unsubscribe to
the mailing list at anytime and we will never use your
name without your permission.
Q: How doI
become a SHoebox Magic consultant? A: just join
the mailing list HERE.
Q: What if I have a question not listed here?
A: Please contact us HERE.